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Public & Private Agencies

Below is a catalogue of courses offered by D-Prep to public and private agencies. Please note that not all courses have an upcoming training scheduled.

Advanced Intake and Interviewing Skills

Gathering information from another party is an important skill set that crosses over a number of fields including threat assessment, Title IX, case management, conduct/discipline, and law enforcement/campus safety. This course is meant as an advanced track, moving the conversation beyond the interviewing and intake skills outlined in our BIT/CARE trainings. Our team teaches from decades of experience with an intersectional focus on counseling, law enforcement, campus safety, student conduct and legal techniques. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A young man being interviewed

Advanced Violence Risk and Threat Assessment

This course is designed for those who have completed previous threat assessment courses and have a working knowledge of the modes of violence, types of threats and have a rubric or system they are able to use when assessing risk and threat. Our team will share advanced concepts related to social media threat assessments, involuntarily celibates (incel), the growing risk of white supremacist violence, report writing, and threat mitigation planning. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A man at a computer

All Hazard Emergency Response

Large-scale emergency incidents and disasters can occur anywhere. When they do, being prepared ahead of time is one of the most important factors in a successful response. This workshop will provide the tools to enable administrators, students, faculty, and staff to manage a wide variety of emergency situations. For more information or to schedule a training, contact

A street sign reading "Are you ready?"

Care Under Fire/Tactical First Aid-Citizen (TFA-C)

TFAC-C is a “no nonsense” 4.5-hour course designed for non-medically trained individuals, such as teachers, event staff, hunters, hikers, security personnel, and private citizens. This course is adapted from modern tactical medicine as taught to our military and special operations law enforcement personnel. Concepts covered in this course include how to address immediate life-threatening injuries such as bleeding control, airway management, tourniquets, pressure dressings, occlusive dressings; how to properly prepare your medical gear; and Good Samaritan and other legal aspects. We teach how to treat the most commonly encountered preventable causes of death. This is NOT a typical basic first aid class. It will address specific injuries seen with penetrating and other trauma commonly encountered in catastrophic events. Attendees should be prepared to engage in practical, hands-on exercises, which will leave you far better prepared to respond and react to critical situations (wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty).

Police paramedic training

Developing Effective Interventions

This course is ideal for BIT/CARE team members, law enforcement, resident directors, academic and career counselors, case managers, and orientation leaders to review the key factors in developing effective interventions. The skills needed to carry out this work include conducting an intake meeting, creating timely documentation,  and developing a risk mitigation plan that considers the individual’s race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, mental illness, physical disability, and religious and political beliefs. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A student talking to staff/faculty

Effective Crisis Communication Strategy

The purpose of strategic crisis communication is to lay the groundwork necessary for organizations to respond effectively in a crisis or significant event. While communications delivered in daily situations are important, it is critical to understand the difference between daily communication practices and a crisis communication strategy. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A microphone in front of a large out-of-focus crowd

Emergency Operations for Building Managers

This course is specifically designed for building managers and property owners and will give them the tools to prepare for and manage emergency events. This course emphasizes a team approach to emergency management utilizing the skills of the building management staff, security staff, building engineers and key tenant groups to efficiently control and manage a wide variety of critical incidents.

A CCTV camera in a stairwell

Emergency Planning for Businesses and Public Agencies

40 – 60% of American businesses suffering a disaster never recover to their former status. Our team of experts will come to your facility, conduct a comprehensive threat assessment analysis, and then write a complete emergency plan tailored to your specific company or agency. We also have the unique ability to train and drill your staff on how to conduct emergency operations using these plans.

An emergency response plan in a binder

Emergency Preparedness for Critical Employees

This 4-hour course is designed to give your critical employees the skills they need so they can remain at work and feel confident that their families and loved ones are protected and prepared for disaster events.

A woman using  a checklist to fill an emergency backpack

First Aid/CPR/AED Adult and Pediatric

MEDIC First Aid BasicPlus is a combined adult CPR, AED, and first training program designed specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work. Please see: for reference material and FAQs. DPrep offers this one-day 5-6 hour certification course taught by a combination of expert instructors who have extensive experience regarding CPR, AED, and first aid. Initial Certification: 4-5 hours. Certification Renewal: Less than initial instructional time.

An instructor teaching CPR to a group of adult students

Impact vs Intent: Understanding Microaggressions and Bias

This workshop will provide an opportunity to better understand and define microaggressions, the unconscious manifestations of privilege that contain the potential to negatively impact marginalized groups, using examples related to gender, culture, race/ethnicity, mental health, generational differences, physical disability, and sexual orientation. We will provide a process for addressing microaggressions, along with a discussion of good/bad apologies, how to avoid the perfection problem, intent vs. impact, bias, and cultural humility. For more information or to schedule a training, contact

Chalk drawings of two silhouettes looking at each other, one white and one black

Internal Affairs Investigations in the Fire Service

This course offers a comprehensive examination of the policies, procedures and organizational mandates that are necessary to conduct internal affairs investigations within the special and unique area of the fire service.

A firefighter in protective gear

Mindset Active Assailant Program

DPrep Safety’s Mindset Active Assailant Program blends the leading research in psychology, law enforcement, military theory, and experience to emphasize early preparation before an attack, attending to your surroundings to improve reaction time, and wisely choosing the best course of action that leads to a better chance of survival. Mindset teaches threat preparedness, awareness, and the development of critical decision skills to improve the chances of survival. There are many approaches to violent assailants and active shooters. Some prioritize fighting and defending against active assailants, others focus on early readiness and live drills to form habits and ensure students and employees know what to do before the incident. The Mindset approach teaches proactive situational awareness connected to practical application. We build the habits and muscle memory to respond quickly in response to the level of threat and danger. Mindset educates and empowers communities and educational institutions by providing best-in-class research and practical techniques to keep students, staff, faculty, and employees safe. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A hand on a gear shift lever

Personal and Workplace Preparedness for Critical Incidents

A 4-hour course designed to give your Critical Employees the skills so that they can remain at work and feel confident that their families and loved ones are protected and prepared for disaster events. 2 hour and 4 hour classes available.

A collection of disaster supplies

Protecting the Flock: Safety and Security for Communities of Faith

Our instructors will share with you a layered security approach to keeping congregants safe. Houses of worship present a target to those planning violence against certain ideologies and communities and we have a duty to prepare to respond to these dangers. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

Pews in a church

Threat Assessment Certification

D-Prep Safety works with schools, workplaces, colleges, and universities who desire to put their team through a tailored experience of working through a number of cases to receive a certification in threat assessment for their team. Cases are developed within general topic (e.g., mental illness, low level threat, outsider threat, relationship violence) and are tailored for the specific team working the case. For more information or to schedule a training, contact or visit

A threat assessment graphic

Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

Required by California’s SB553 and recommended for all workplaces, these plans identify and mitigate potential risk factors for violence and include procedures for responding to violence and potential violence. DPrep Safety offers templates and can work with you to tailor them to your site’s needs. We also offer comprehensive site walkthroughs and can train your staff on how to prepare for and respond to potential violence. For more information or to schedule a training, contact

People working in an open concept office space
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